Monday, September 1, 2008

John Mayer

For those of you who had the opportunity to go to the Cruzan Amphitheatre in West Palm Beach, saw an amazing concert last night. Onerepublic open up the concert and I was happy to hear three songs I wanted hear from them.  Stop and Stare!!! LOL!  John Mayer came out at 9:00 and he played a 2 hour set. Let me tell, he just has a fun time jamming. I could have gone another hour or 2 just listening him play. Now, I was sitting from the lawn and it sounded awesome. Lights were just phenomenal!! They had several light trusses on motors in which they would move up and down as the concert went on. If you ever have chance to see john mayer live, go see him. 


Anonymous said...

Hi Daniel!
Cousin Joy here. Just found your blog off Vicky's!
Sooooooo jealous you got to see JM Live, how cool is that!! I've constantly got his live cd's on repeat!
Say Hi to your parents for me!

Daniel "CHIEF" Brigham said...

yea the concert was amazing.